Police move to crack down on underage drinking
Local law enforcement is cracking down on underage drinking in Norman and more students are being caught with fake IDs.
Bars, clubs, and restaurants on Campus Corner alike were contacted by the city over winter break and told that the venues would be watched more intently on their acceptance of fake IDs.
Jeff Stewart, manager of O'Connell's, said his bar is taking up anywhere from 10-15 fake IDs a weekend now and he noticed more officers doing nightly inspections than before.
"I catch several kids a week," said Joey Andrews, the night manager at Thunderbird Liquors. "It isn't anything personal, it's just there are more cops sitting outside now and it isn't worth losing my job over."
According to Lt. Bruce Chan of OUPD, law enforcement plans to continue taking the matter seriously. Students should watch out because if they are caught, they will be cited and possibly could receive a felony charge, he said.
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